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Cav 203g question about copying cd for usb???
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Author:  srd4484 [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Cav 203g question about copying cd for usb???

CAVS DVD-203G Karaoke Player (Black) w/USB

It says:
You can store up to 49,999 karaoke songs per folder in your USB device, and plug & play without burning a disc.

How would I put songs on a usb? By putting in the cd and pressing a button?

Author:  srnitynow [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cav 203g question about copying cd for usb???

You can find a visual tutorial on the cavsusa web site. Go to cavs, go to user forum, then look for scdg to external harddrive. Once the external harddrive is loaded, connect it to the cavs 203g. I hope this answers your question.


Author:  SCORPION [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cav 203g question about copying cd for usb???

http://www.cavsusa.com/product/Visual%2 ... iewlet_swf.

I'll post this here for you too.

Author:  sw00000p [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cav 203g question about copying cd for usb???

Cavs Method:

Load your scdg disc into the Cavs MCG Manager and export the files to a folder on your external HD. Cavs new MCG Manager is faster than the old one.

NOTE: The reference to 49,999 files in one folder pertains to the "INX" format.
Which are internal files displayed something like [.mcg+mp3].

PROS: NO SONGBOOK NEEDED! The Database is displayed on screen. Search for tracks by Artist or Title.

CONS: Compared High-End Databases i.e. CompuHost & MTU...
Cavs Database is VERY, VERY SLOW!!!!!!!!!!! With No Advanced Features At All!

Professional Use: It leaves MUCH to be desired!

Home Use: Economical and Practical!

Want to load your scdg, cdg, mp3+g MUCH FASTER????

I use CDGFix Super.

Kind Regards,

Author:  johnny reverb [ Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cav 203g question about copying cd for usb???

If the models haven't changed........your hard drive must be formatted to Fat32...

Author:  sw00000p [ Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cav 203g question about copying cd for usb???

The models have change drastically. Quite some time ago, Cavs implemented a new firmware upgrade. With this new firmware upgrade came a new MCG Manager.

The "INX" being replaced by "Address.INX" Resulting in a faster startup.

Bad part is... You CANNOT Edit the "Address.INX"
One could easily edit the "Old INX"

I chose to keep the "Old INX" so I can simply edit the songs instead of burning a new disc.

OLD or NEW firmware. The CAVS players are SLOW for using in a Gig.
Not bad for Home Use.

Kind Regards,

Author:  johnny reverb [ Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cav 203g question about copying cd for usb???

It's really not slow once it boots up, but don't think you're going to go from hard drive to cdg drive. You will have to hook up a seperate cdg player to play someone's cds.......other than that, if you've got your songs numbered accurately, you punch the number in and up comes the song......now if it crashes, it will take several minutes to re-read the external hard drive. The key changer works in half tone steps, not like the wierd key changer in the earlier cav-199s

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